Clinical Electrodiagnostic Devices

Neurometer Device Comparison Table

Selectively evaluate large & small myelinated and unmyelinated sensory fibers
Detects hyperesthetic and hypoesthetic conditions
Unaffected by skin thickness or edema or normal variations in skin and ambient temperatures
Test any cutaneous site
Test mucosal sites
Automated double-blinded procedure
Patient controlled testing
Automated forced-choice sNCT/CPT evaluation mode
Ranged CPT (RCPT) evaluation mode: toe, ankle, finger & palm
Ranged CPT (RCPT) evaluation mode: all standardized sites including trigeminal n. & dermatomes C2-8 & L4-S1
Laboratory testing mode: Programmable Computer Control
Pain Tolerance Threshold (PTT) evaluation mode
Percentile Allodynia evaluation mode (fingers & toes)
Manual testing mode
Remote patient response module
Evaluation recorder/printer
Neuval examination evaluation & database software
Rechargeable battery powered system

Neurometer Modes of Operation