Feature | CPT®
 | NS3000®
Selectively evaluate large & small myelinated and unmyelinated sensory fibers |  | |
Detects hyperesthetic and hypoesthetic conditions | | |
Unaffected by skin thickness or edema or normal variations in skin and ambient temperatures | | |
Test any cutaneous site | | |
Test mucosal sites | | |
Automated double-blinded procedure | | |
Patient controlled testing | | |
Automated forced-choice sNCT/CPT evaluation mode | | |
Ranged CPT (RCPT) evaluation mode: toe, ankle, finger & palm | | |
Ranged CPT (RCPT) evaluation mode: all standardized sites including trigeminal n. & dermatomes C2-8 & L4-S1 | | |
Laboratory testing mode: Programmable Computer Control | | |
Pain Tolerance Threshold (PTT) evaluation mode | | |
Percentile Allodynia evaluation mode (fingers & toes) | | |
Manual testing mode | | |
Remote patient response module | | |
Evaluation recorder/printer | | |
Neuval examination evaluation & database software | | |
Rechargeable battery powered system | | |